Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So, Lots has happened again, and sorry to be so late with updating lately...  In the last post, I told you that Thena has shoes now, well, she still has them YAY. We were unsure if she would keep them on due to the non fully healed abcsess. But she DID keep them, so that is a step forward. The two steps back? She now has a HUGE gash under her armpit... okay, its not a gash, but its very raw. Why? We don't know. It wasn't there a week ago. So we are guessing its from western. The girth might have rubbed a bit and then it just spread down because her skin is so sensitive. Good news is she is still ride able... though not the smoothest ride due to the rub. I am now riding her english (YAY) at a walk trot canter. Her canter is very....... interesting to say the least.. But such is life, she will learn soon. Two days ago, we worked for an hour at a walk just trying to get a consistant headset, and we got it eventually! Then the barn owners wife came into the barn to ride a bit and said "alright im going on a trail ride" and I wanted Thena out and adventuring, sooooooo, We went with. Now you must be thinking "OH MY GODS ARE YOU NUTS" Since I was in an english saddle with a very unpredictable OTTB.... but she actually did AMAZING (better then my 7 year old QH would have) She only spooked once, and that was at something blowing on a building. She doesn't like the feel of squishy ground such as mud or water, but,  there was a dip in the ground full of water that we had to cross, so the other horse went first and Thena thought "Well.. .if he did it, i guess I have to.." and she slowly crept up to it, put two feet into the water, hunched her butt under her and lauched herself over the water! Then we were okay and she calmed down. Yesterday I went on the same trail, but this time with BENTLEY!!!! Opies mom rode him, and I rode Thena (Who was now the "brave leader") and he did just as good (he didn't mind the water as much as Thena). Thena actually walked semi calmy through the water this time, so I think shes slightly over the "OMG ITS GUNNA EAT ME" deal.

Yesterday as well before riding Thena, at 9am, I went on a two and a half hour trail ride about a half hour away. The barn owner, his wife and I drove a half hour away to a trail park that allows horses and rode for about two and a half hours. I took Moosie and she did AWESOME. Never spooked just shied sideways at ONE thing because the barn owners wife said "Oh, shes doing really well and not spooking at anything" so of course, my mare just had to act like she was spooking.... damn mare. Love her to bits though, she did so good. She wanted to rush back to the trailer but she still did awesome. So that was that morning. ^_^ More adventures and tales later, gotta go to work now (Ew. I know... )